Contextual menu actions

The contextual menu in the Working Copy view contains the following actions:

  • Open - This action will open the selected file in an editor where you can make modifications to it. The action is active only when a single item is selected. In case of a file the action opens the file with the internal editor or the external application associated with that file type. In case of a folder the action opens the selected folder with the system application for folders (for example Windows Explorer on Windows, Finder on Mac OS X, etc).

  • Open with ... - Displays the 'Open with...' dialog for specifying the editor in which the selected file will be opened. In case multiple files are selected only external applications can be used to open the files

  • Synchronize - it contacts the repository and determines the working copy and the repository changes made to the selected resources. It displays the result of the operation in the Synchronize view. This is useful when you have a large working copy and you only want to verify the changes to a specific part you are currently working on.

  • Update - This command updates your selected resources from the working copy to the HEAD revision from the repository (latest modifications). It the same as the update action from the Synchronize view in that also brings you the HEAD revision from the repository. If a directory is involved it will be updated depending on its depth. The action is active only on resources that are under version control.

  • Update to revision/depth - This action allows you to update the selected resources from the working copy to an earlier revision from the repository. You can also select the update depth for the current folder. You can find out more about the depth term in the sparse checkouts section. The action is active only on resources under version control.

    Figure 3.55. Update to revision/depth dialog

    Update to revision/depth dialog

  • Commit - This action collects the outgoing changes from the selected resources in the working copy and presents them in a dialog. Then you can choose exactly what to commit by selecting or unselecting resources accordingly. A directory will always be committed recursively. The unversioned resources will be deselected by default. In the commit dialog you will also have to enter a commit comment before sending your changes to the repository.

  • Compare with:

    • Latest from Head - This action will perform a 3-way diff operation between the selected file and the HEAD revision from the repository and will display the result in the Compare view. The common ancestor of the 3-way diff operation is the BASE version of the file from the local working copy.

    • Base revision - This will compare the working copy file with the file from the pristine copy (BASE revision).

    • Revision - This command will bring to front the History view with the log history for that resource.

    • Branch/Tag - This will compare the working copy file with a revision of the file from a branch or tag. The revision is specified by URL (selected with a repository browser dialog) and revision number (selected with a revision browser dialog).

      Figure 3.56. Compare with Branch/Tag dialog

      Compare with Branch/Tag dialog

    • Each other - This action only works when two files are selected. It will compare the two selected files with each other.

    These actions are enabled only if the selected resource is a file.

  • Show History ... - It will display the History view where the log history for the selected resource will be presented. For more details about resource history see the sections Using the resource history view and Request history for a resource.

  • Show Annotation - It will display the Annotations view where all the users that modified the selected resource will be presented together with the specific lines and revision numbers modified by each user. For more details about resource annotations see the section Annotations View.

  • New:

    • New Folder ... - This operation creates a new folder and adds it to version control. If the selected path is not under version control, the newly created directory will not be added to version control.

    • New File ... - This operation creates a new file and adds it to version control. If the selected path is not under version control, the newly created file will not be added to version control.

    • New External Folder ... - This operation sets a folder name in the property svn:externals of the selected folder. The repository URL to the folder to which the new external folder will point and the revision number of that repository URL can be selected easily with the Browse and History buttons of the dialog.

      Subversion clients 1.5 and higher support relative external URLs. You can specify the repository URLs to which the external folders point using the following relative formats:

      • ../ - Relative to the URL of the directory on which the svn:externals property is set.

      • ^/ - Relative to the root of the repository in which the svn:externals property is versioned.

      • // - Relative to the scheme of the URL of the directory on which the svn:externals property is set.

      • / - Relative to the root URL of the server on which the svn:externals property is versioned.

      Figure 3.57. New External Folder dialog

      New External Folder dialog

  • Edit:

    • Delete - This action allows you to delete resources from the Subversion working copy. If unversioned, added or modified resources will be encountered, a dialog will prompt you to confirm their deletion. This is because their content cannot be recovered. The action it is not enabled when the selection contains missing resources.

    • Copy ... - This action copies resources from the working copy. Each copy will also have the original resource's history. For more details please read the section Copy / Move / Rename resources.

    • Move ... - This command actually performs as if a copy and then a delete command were issued. You will find the moved resources at the desired destination and also at their original location but marked as deleted.

    • Rename ... - You can only rename a resource at a time. As for the move command, a copy of the original resource will be made with the new name and the original will be marked as deleted.

  • Revert - Undoes all local changes for the selected resources. It does not contact the repository, the files will be obtained from Subversion's pristine copy. It is enabled only for modified resources. Read the Revert your changes section for more information.

  • Mark resolved - This action is only enabled on conflicted resources and its function is to tell the Subversion system that you resolved the conflict. See the section Merge conflicts.

  • Cleanup - performs a maintenance cleanup operation to the selected resources from the working copy. This operation removes the Subversion maintenance locks that were left behind. Useful when you already know where the problem originated and want to fix it as quickly as possible. Only active for resources under version control.

  • Add - This operation adds the selected resources to version control. A directory will be added recursively to version control. It is not mandatory to explicitly add resources to version control but it is recommended. At commit time unversioned resources will have to be manually selected in the commit dialog. It is only active on unversioned resources.

  • Add to svn:ignore ... - This action can only be performed on resources not under version control. It allows you to keep inside your working copy, files that should not participate to the version control operations. The action actually modifies the value of the svn:ignore property of the resource's parent directory.

  • Show SVN Properties - brings up the Properties view and displays the SVN properties for the selected resource.

  • Lock:

    • Scan for locks ... - This action contacts the repository and recursively obtains the list of locks for the selected resources. A dialog containing the locked files and the lock description will be displayed. Only active for resources under version control. For more details see the section Scanning for locks.

    • Lock ... - It allows you to lock certain files for which you need exclusive access. You can write a comment describing the reason for the lock and you can also force(steal) the lock. The action is active only on files under version control. For more details on the use of this action please read the section Locking a file.

    • Unlock ... - This action releases(unlocks) the exclusive access to a file from the repository. You can also choose to unlock it by force(break the lock).

  • Modify:

    • Branch/Tag ... - This action displays the Branch/Tag dialog where you can select the revision of the resource and the destination URL in the repository. For more details about creating branches and tags see the section Create a branch/tag.

    • Merge ... - The selected resource will be considered the destination for the merge operation. From the displayed Merge dialog you will be able to specify the merge operation you want to perform. See section Merging section for more details.

    • Switch ... - The repository location of the working copy or only of a resource of the working copy is changed within the same repository. It is available when the selected item is a versioned resource except an external folder.

    • Relocate ... - Change the repository path of the selected item. This action is available on the contextual menu only if the selected item is a versioned folder. It is useful when the base URL of the repository changed, for example the repository itself was relocated to a different server. If the selected item is not the root folder of the working copy then the effect is the same as for the Switch action applied on the same selected item.

    • Create patch ... - The selected resource will be used to create a patch. From the displayed Create patch dialog you will be able to specify the two sources of the patch, the first one being either the working copy files or a revision/tag and the second a repository URL or a revision/tag. See section Create patches for more details.

  • File Information ... - provides additional information for the selected resource from the working copy. For more details please see the section Obtain information for a resource.

  • Refresh - This action will rescan the selected resources recursively and refresh their status in the working copy view.